真空定徑設備-模具產品介紹:真空定徑的模具采用螺旋式結構,此結構形式是公司在參照德國巴頓菲爾技術、吸取試機實踐過程中的經驗及我公司老客戶反饋問題的基礎上,由我公司專業(yè)技術人員進行了多次改進,摒棄了以前模具結構的諸多缺點,達到了各種聚烯烴類新、舊塑料皆能適用,減小了擠出壓力,塑化均勻,高速擠出成型穩(wěn)定,管材各項指標均達到國家標準。結構為新型烯烴類組合式,管材壁厚均勻,內外平滑,無凹凸或疤痕,定型更穩(wěn)定,尺寸更準確.The vacuum sizing die adopts the spiral structure, which is based on the company's experience in the process of trial production and the feedback from our old customers. The professional t
The vacuum sizing die adopts the spiral structure, which is based on the company's experience in the process of trial production and the feedback from our old customers. The professional technici